Design support services

Phi Drive engineers acquired a vast experience in the field of FEM modeling of machine tools over the years. Now you can benefit from this experience too, thanks to our new consulency services for industrial applications, aimed at the optimization of machining processes and machine efficiency.

Optimizing a machining process means getting the most from your machine tool, improving efficiency and consequently reducing the cost of use, without sacrificing processing quality.

The starting point of such a process must be a correct FEM modeling of your machine, and in this field Phi Drive know-how reaches its peak.

The factors that determine the quality of a mechanical processing are many, often linked to each other and dependent on the dynamics of the machine tool: kinematics of the mechanisms (bearings, ball screws, skids, …), clearance and tolerances between components, the dynamics of the spindles and rotary axes are just some of these.

Furthermore, an important role is played by the machine tool-raw interaction, as it makes possible the emergence of vibrations (Chatter) that can compromise the stability of the machining (going outside the graph representing the stability region) and consequently the quality of the work itself.

Starting from these considerations, FEM analysis allows to model a machine tool, an electro-spindle or a mechanism with the purpose of obtaining, through a series of analysis (static, dynamic, modal,…) results in terms of FRF (Frequency Response Function), stress, strain, natural vibrating modes and frequencies, able to offer, if opportunely interpreted, interesting perspectives for the development of a new product or the optimization in terms of performance of an already existing one.